Our “Be” statements

    At the core of BeWellPBC are our “Be” statements that share our philosophy for our work.

    We are open to others’ lived experiences and other people’s perspectives.

    We believe that continuous learning and knowledge-sharing is a powerful force for change.

    We exhibit kindness to all and are sensitive to the needs of others, understanding that behavioral health touches everyone.

    We lift up all those around us by encouraging and strengthening a sense of community.

    We value collaboration and cultivate relationships to build on our support systems.

    We embrace differences, explore other viewpoints, and value empathy.

    We aspire to do better for the health and wellbeing of our children, families and neighbors.

    We commit to a new way of creating more responsive, impactful systems with the voice of community leading the way.

    We welcome people to be their authentic selves and value their unique contributions and lived experiences.


    Lofty Goal


    BeWellPBC, launched in 2019, is creating a movement and a mission to advance behavioral health and wellness in Palm Beach County. Our three focus areas: Stewardship Coordination & Alignment, Workforce Pipeline, and Community Solutions are united through BeWellPBC’s Lofty Goal.

    We envision a community in which every person in Palm Beach County feels hopeful, supported, connected, and empowered.

    BeWellPBC’s mission is to bring together stewards from every corner of our community—residents, system leaders, providers, businesses, faith-based organizations, youth, and parents—to lead the change they want to see in their families, their schools, their workplaces, and their cities.


    For a Healthy Community

    BeWellPBC invites the community to be at the table with providers and funders to make decisions for themselves – challenging the traditional way behavioral health systems have functioned in the past.

    BeWellPBC Staff

    Lauren Zuchman

    Executive Director

    Katrina Blackmon

    Community Action & Communications Administrator

    Alita Faber

    BeWellPBC Coordinator

    Weston Probst

    Wellness and Recovery Manager